Wednesday, December 9, 2009

From day one...

Welcome to my blog. I got the idea from my cousins Scott & Liz in Texas who just welcomed their new baby girl into the world last week. Thanks for the idea guys!!!

Anyway, Ryan I found out we were pregnant on Halloween - October 31, 2009. I randomly took a pregnancy test and thought I was seeing things. I had taken many tests before and never saw two lines - many times I thought I saw the second line but it was just my imagination. So I took a test on that Saturday morning and took it down to Ryan to see if he saw what I saw..... He sure did. I immediately made a call to my sister Whitney working in the Emergency Room and asked what to do. :) She instructed me to go to Wal-Mart and get a few more tests, so I was off. I bought 6 more tests and headed to my girlfriend Keri's house. Upon arrival I took two more tests. Sure enough they were both positive. I didn't announce the news to anyone until the following Friday - when I had an appointment with my doctor. (Dr. Richard Wellman, St. Josephs) On that Friday, Ryan surprised me by showing up to the appointment. It turned out that Dr. Wellman had an emergency so was running late so they gave me a sonogram. On that day I was 6 weeks pregnant and was able to see the little thing (looked like a kidney bean) and hear it's heartbeat. What an amazing experience!!!! After the appointment it was official - I could tell my family. Whitney ended up snapping pictures of me handing the sonogram picture to some pretty important people.

Today (December 9, 2009) I am 11 weeks along. It's been rough going so far - I've been super sickly. Had some major 'morning sickness' - not sure why they call it morning sickness, I never got sick in the morning. It was pretty much all day. Things are getting better as the days go by. I had my 10 week appointment last Wednesday in which I had another sonogram. The little thing was moving around and wiggling like a little fish - it looked like Nemo. Again, an amazing experience. Ryan wasn't able to make it to that appointment but I brought home several more pictures to show off.

6 Week Sonogram

10 Week Sonogram

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