Thursday, December 17, 2009

12 week update

So I am officially out of my first trimester.... they say it's all gets better from here... they lie!
So far I'm still feeling very sickly. I haven't been getting sick but the feeling is always there. I've had a lot of headaches and the only medicine I'm allowed to take is Tylenol. It works but not nearly as good as my 'good' headache medicine. Other than that things are okay. ;) hahaha
My next appointment is in two weeks - at the 14 week mark. Hopefully I'll get around to scanning in the 6 and 10 week sonogram pictures one of these days. I was told that I won't get another sonogram at 14 weeks so that's a little disappointing.

So until next time. :)
Happy Holiday!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to the "Blogging Community"!!! It's so much fun to keep up with a blog. You will be so happy that you did someday.

    Aren't sonograms so cool? I loved everyone of them.

    Scott, Liz, and Allison
