Friday, January 1, 2010

Hopefully over the hump......

Well, I had my 14 week appointment last Wednesday, however the days leading up to and following that appointment were pretty miserable. I went about 7 days in a row of getting sick - sorry if that's too much info for some of you.... Sad, but true! My doctor decided to prescribe me with Zofran to help with the nausea. Due to the nausea I'd been experiencing I had barely been eating, was extremely dehydrated, and even lost 5 lbs in since my last appointment. According to my doctor the approval process for the Zofran is pretty strict so it took about 48 hours for the pharmacy to finally get it filled for me. So I took my first dose this morning. It's a dissolvable tabled you place under your tongue - at first it was terrible but after about 30-45 seconds the taste dissolved and I was fine. :) Yes, that was ALL in my head! Ryan just laughed at me..... UGH

So today is my first day in forever that I've actually felt like myself. No sickness at all.... Knock on wood! I've felt great today, and my appetite is back. And boy am I hungry! Ryan's mom stopped by to check on me and after our visit (discussing food, of course) she was back within an hour with 3 hot dishes for us to enjoy for dinner. (YES, we are spoiled!) So as I sit here killing time I smell the corn casserole in the oven. I guess it's about time for dinner. Oh how I've missed meals! :)

My next appointment is in two weeks. I will then be 16 weeks - not sure if I'll get a sonogram at that appointment or if it's just a follow up to see how the medication is working. We'll all have to wait and see I guess.

Hope you all had a great New Years! Enjoy 2010!!!!!

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