Friday, February 5, 2010

19 Weeks and growing

Sorry it's been so long since I've posted anything but nothing new has really happened in a while. I hit my 19 week mark and continue to feel puny. The Zofran has seemed to help but now I'm just tired and sluggish all the time. It has gotten better however I really miss feeling like myself.

In just a few days Ryan and I will be finding out the sex of the baby - as long as it cooperates. Keep your fingers crossed! I think then it will finally 'hit me' that I'm really pregnant and having a baby. Up until now I just feel like I've had the flu for 5 months. :(

Ryan and I continue to discuss names and can't seem to agree on anything. I think he enjoys throwing out crazy names just to drive me nuts. I.e. Gunther, Jesus, Omidaious, etc. (Don't worry baby, mom won't let a bad name ruin you're youth!)

Yesterday I had lunch with my sister and we decided to document my belly growth for the first time. I have always had a bigger belly but DANG... It's growing fast! According to the 'What to Expect' pregnancy application on my IPhone at 19 weeks the baby is the size of a sweet potato... No wonder my belly is growing.

Well, until next week. I'll be sure to post new sonogram pictures and let everyone know the sex. And any suggestions on names would be great. (Anything reasonable anyway :)

1 comment:

  1. AWWW, Blair you look so beautiful! And dont worry, like you said (and your are so right), after you find out the sex and after baby starts moving it will really hit you that there is a little person growing in there, a miracle from God :) Mike was same way with names, he never liked any (so he said) and then after we found out it was a boy he said he liked Colton, which was one of the 1st names I told him! haha
