Thursday, March 18, 2010

It's a GIRL!!!

Well, it's been a while since I've posted anything.... Sorry. Things have been hectic - to say the least!!!

So at my 20 week mark I had an appointment to find out the sex of the baby. Ryan had just gotten home from a snowmobiling trip (where he wrecked and cracked some ribs) but made it to the appointment. His mom and my little sister (Whitney) showed up to for some moral support. :) Of course Whitney was there to ask a million questions and annoy the staff..... Seriously, she did.

Well, after quite a bit of poking around my stomach the doctor was finally able to determine the sex - the little bugger wouldn't cooperate for the longest time! And... drum roll please..... It's a GIRL!

Phew - that was intense!

I had taken the rest of the day off work so Ryan, his mom & I started a little shopping. We picked out her very first outfits. Then it was time to head home and relax - well, not really. That night was a busy night with phone calls, emails, and visitors. My friend Keri wouldn't accept the news via email, text, or a phone call - only in person. So that evening - while making PINK cupcakes to take to work - Keri came over for dinner. As she walked in the door she heard me on the phone talking to my old babysitter (and second mother) informing her that it was a girl and that we already had a name picked out... Yep, we had a girl name already chosen - thank heavens!!! We are going to call her Kennedy. Kennedy is Ryan's mom's maiden name and even before Ryan and I were married we both said how we really liked that name. No middle name just yet - heck, I've got 3 months for that. :)

Here are some pictures from my 20 week appointment.

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