Friday, March 26, 2010

Kicking & screaming!

So I finally started feeling the baby last weekend. It was Friday night and Ryan and I had gone to dinner then back home. He was off to bed while I stayed up watching tv and all of a sudden my stomach started rumbling a little bit. It almost felt like my stomach was growling but I knew I wasn't hungry. Sooooo... I started poking around and all of a sudden something poked back. It was CRAZY. So weird - of course, I knew it was her. I started crying immediately. :)

So since then I've really noticed any time she's moving around. Her 'kicks' aren't painful, it just feels like a little nudge on my belly. One night I lifted my shirt and just watched my belly and saw it bulge out - that was wild!

She's most active when I'm laying down and right after I eat.

Not much else is new besides that, it's really starting to feel 'real' now though. :)

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