Friday, March 26, 2010

Kicking & screaming!

So I finally started feeling the baby last weekend. It was Friday night and Ryan and I had gone to dinner then back home. He was off to bed while I stayed up watching tv and all of a sudden my stomach started rumbling a little bit. It almost felt like my stomach was growling but I knew I wasn't hungry. Sooooo... I started poking around and all of a sudden something poked back. It was CRAZY. So weird - of course, I knew it was her. I started crying immediately. :)

So since then I've really noticed any time she's moving around. Her 'kicks' aren't painful, it just feels like a little nudge on my belly. One night I lifted my shirt and just watched my belly and saw it bulge out - that was wild!

She's most active when I'm laying down and right after I eat.

Not much else is new besides that, it's really starting to feel 'real' now though. :)

Thursday, March 18, 2010

25 Weeks

Today I had my blood glucose and iron levels tested - all is well. My iron level was a bit off so I'm on yet another pill, just an iron supplement this time. It seems like I've always had issues with my iron levels so this wasn't a big shocker to me. All is well in Baby Abe's world though. Our next appointment is on March 31st. According to the nurses we won't get another sonogram until around 32 weeks though :(

I was able to meet up with Kid 6 (Whitney) for a quick lunch after my tests where she took some belly pictures of me. I still am not feeling very pregnant. Nope, just feels like I'm getting fatter! However, after seeing the pictures I was shocked... My belly sure is growing.


Here are some pictures of the nursery so far. The room was already yellow & white so we decided to do a mural... Well, Ryan did the mural. He drew butterflies, ladybugs, a tree, and much more - I drew the flowers on the bottom half of the room but he ended up painting them all. :) He's so good to me!!!!!

We also received the crib & changing table late last week so Ryan was a busy little beaver putting it together for me. (I really do have an incredible husband!!!!) I took these pictures before the changing table was moved into the room - it is huge so Ryan had to wait and get help lugging it up the stairs. We are also waiting on the rocker/glider we ordered - it should be in any day. Once that arrives I hope to take some more pictures for the full effect.

It's a GIRL!!!

Well, it's been a while since I've posted anything.... Sorry. Things have been hectic - to say the least!!!

So at my 20 week mark I had an appointment to find out the sex of the baby. Ryan had just gotten home from a snowmobiling trip (where he wrecked and cracked some ribs) but made it to the appointment. His mom and my little sister (Whitney) showed up to for some moral support. :) Of course Whitney was there to ask a million questions and annoy the staff..... Seriously, she did.

Well, after quite a bit of poking around my stomach the doctor was finally able to determine the sex - the little bugger wouldn't cooperate for the longest time! And... drum roll please..... It's a GIRL!

Phew - that was intense!

I had taken the rest of the day off work so Ryan, his mom & I started a little shopping. We picked out her very first outfits. Then it was time to head home and relax - well, not really. That night was a busy night with phone calls, emails, and visitors. My friend Keri wouldn't accept the news via email, text, or a phone call - only in person. So that evening - while making PINK cupcakes to take to work - Keri came over for dinner. As she walked in the door she heard me on the phone talking to my old babysitter (and second mother) informing her that it was a girl and that we already had a name picked out... Yep, we had a girl name already chosen - thank heavens!!! We are going to call her Kennedy. Kennedy is Ryan's mom's maiden name and even before Ryan and I were married we both said how we really liked that name. No middle name just yet - heck, I've got 3 months for that. :)

Here are some pictures from my 20 week appointment.

Friday, February 5, 2010

19 Weeks and growing

Sorry it's been so long since I've posted anything but nothing new has really happened in a while. I hit my 19 week mark and continue to feel puny. The Zofran has seemed to help but now I'm just tired and sluggish all the time. It has gotten better however I really miss feeling like myself.

In just a few days Ryan and I will be finding out the sex of the baby - as long as it cooperates. Keep your fingers crossed! I think then it will finally 'hit me' that I'm really pregnant and having a baby. Up until now I just feel like I've had the flu for 5 months. :(

Ryan and I continue to discuss names and can't seem to agree on anything. I think he enjoys throwing out crazy names just to drive me nuts. I.e. Gunther, Jesus, Omidaious, etc. (Don't worry baby, mom won't let a bad name ruin you're youth!)

Yesterday I had lunch with my sister and we decided to document my belly growth for the first time. I have always had a bigger belly but DANG... It's growing fast! According to the 'What to Expect' pregnancy application on my IPhone at 19 weeks the baby is the size of a sweet potato... No wonder my belly is growing.

Well, until next week. I'll be sure to post new sonogram pictures and let everyone know the sex. And any suggestions on names would be great. (Anything reasonable anyway :)

Friday, January 1, 2010

Hopefully over the hump......

Well, I had my 14 week appointment last Wednesday, however the days leading up to and following that appointment were pretty miserable. I went about 7 days in a row of getting sick - sorry if that's too much info for some of you.... Sad, but true! My doctor decided to prescribe me with Zofran to help with the nausea. Due to the nausea I'd been experiencing I had barely been eating, was extremely dehydrated, and even lost 5 lbs in since my last appointment. According to my doctor the approval process for the Zofran is pretty strict so it took about 48 hours for the pharmacy to finally get it filled for me. So I took my first dose this morning. It's a dissolvable tabled you place under your tongue - at first it was terrible but after about 30-45 seconds the taste dissolved and I was fine. :) Yes, that was ALL in my head! Ryan just laughed at me..... UGH

So today is my first day in forever that I've actually felt like myself. No sickness at all.... Knock on wood! I've felt great today, and my appetite is back. And boy am I hungry! Ryan's mom stopped by to check on me and after our visit (discussing food, of course) she was back within an hour with 3 hot dishes for us to enjoy for dinner. (YES, we are spoiled!) So as I sit here killing time I smell the corn casserole in the oven. I guess it's about time for dinner. Oh how I've missed meals! :)

My next appointment is in two weeks. I will then be 16 weeks - not sure if I'll get a sonogram at that appointment or if it's just a follow up to see how the medication is working. We'll all have to wait and see I guess.

Hope you all had a great New Years! Enjoy 2010!!!!!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

12 week update

So I am officially out of my first trimester.... they say it's all gets better from here... they lie!
So far I'm still feeling very sickly. I haven't been getting sick but the feeling is always there. I've had a lot of headaches and the only medicine I'm allowed to take is Tylenol. It works but not nearly as good as my 'good' headache medicine. Other than that things are okay. ;) hahaha
My next appointment is in two weeks - at the 14 week mark. Hopefully I'll get around to scanning in the 6 and 10 week sonogram pictures one of these days. I was told that I won't get another sonogram at 14 weeks so that's a little disappointing.

So until next time. :)
Happy Holiday!!!!!